News Tagged: Kinect

Sunday 24th October, 2010 - 16:40 BST

News: Gets New Look for Kinect Gets New Look for Kinect

Online avatar editor and more

Kinect isn't just going to change the way you play your games, it's going to alter the way you interact with the Xbox 360 Dashboard too. With the Dashboard update due to roll out in a few weeks, Microsoft has already made a big change to its online Xbox Live portal, giving it a new lick of paint just ahead of Kinect's launch. One of the biggest new features is the new.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Kinect, Xbox Live, Websites, Videos.

Sunday 24th October, 2010 - 10:00 BST

News: Drift Off with New CROSSBOARD 7 Trailer

Drift Off with New CROSSBOARD 7 Trailer

Or Adrenalin Misfits, if you prefer

Half of Konami's double-pronged Kinect line-up, CROSSBOARD 7 (known as Adrenalin Misfits in the States) just got a brand new trailer to counteract the wave of Sonic Free Riders trailers we've seen in the past few days. Containing some of the best acting yet seen in a Kinect advert, the video shows off the tricks, jumps and bumps you'll be able to execute using.. Continue Reading »

1 comment Tagged with Konami, Kinect, Trailers.

Saturday 23rd October, 2010 - 17:00 BST

News: Get Extra Kinect Adventures Content with this Live Token

Get Extra Kinect Adventures Content with this Live Token

More levels available for download

It's the perennial Christmas quandary: what do you get for the person who has everything? That's the problem facing Microsoft and Kinect Adventures – if the game is included with every Kinect sold, what do you give to gamers who like it? The answer is the Kinect Adventures Live Token, of course. Essentially a redeemable download code, the Live Token grants the.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Kinect, Xbox Live, Downloads.

Saturday 23rd October, 2010 - 10:00 BST

News: You Can Sit Down to Play Kinect Thanks to Base Node Tweaking

You Can Sit Down to Play Kinect Thanks to Base Node Tweaking

Not as dirty as it sounds

When Kinect was unveiled, the gaming world realised things would change, but there's some things you can never take out of the gaming experience. Near the top of the list is sitting down with your friends or family for some intense multiplayer action, so when it was announced Kinect would not detect players sitting down there was universal disappointment. That feeling can.. Continue Reading »

4 comments Tagged with Kinect, Blitz Games Studios, Technology.

Friday 22nd October, 2010 - 20:30 BST

News: Microsoft to Throw $500m at Kinect Marketing Campaign

Microsoft to Throw $500m at Kinect Marketing Campaign

Bigger spend than the Xbox 360 launch

We're just weeks away from Kinect's North American launch, so news that its high-profile marketing campaign is about to kick in shouldn't raise too many eyebrows. The names and numbers attached to that campaign might surprise some though, with a reported $500 million being spent to get the Kinect brand familiar to... well, everyone. The campaign will span the.. Continue Reading »

5 comments Tagged with Kinect, Launch, Marketing, Wowza.

Friday 22nd October, 2010 - 19:55 BST

News: Japan Shows How it's Done with Crazy Sonic Free Riders Video

Japan Shows How it's Done with Crazy Sonic Free Riders Video

Multiplayer modes inside

The Western trailer for Sonic Free Riders might have been odd enough on its own, but it's got nothing on this trailer just released by Sega's Japanese HQ. As well as showing off some of the tricks you'll be able to pull off in the game, it also shows the game's multiplayer modes, including the Relay Race where four-players take it in turns to get on their boards and Tag.. Continue Reading »

7 comments Tagged with Sega, Videos, Sonic, Kinect.

Thursday 21st October, 2010 - 19:30 BST

News: Michael Jackson: The Experience Beats It to 2011

Michael Jackson: The Experience Beats It to 2011


Ubisoft's much-vaunted singing and dancing title Michael Jackson: The Experience just took a moonwalk to 2011, a hefty delay putting paid to its projected November 2010 release date. Players can use Kinect to emulate Jackson's famous moves, as well as using its in-built microphones to sing along. Unlike other versions of the game, Kinect only supports one player at a time, presumably to avoid.. Continue Reading »

1 comment Tagged with Ubisoft, Kinect, Delays.

Wednesday 20th October, 2010 - 19:30 BST

News: Six-Year Olds Cope with Kinect Just Fine, says Rare

Six-Year Olds Cope with Kinect Just Fine, says Rare

Interface so intuitive a kid could use it

Game controllers: covered in buttons, aren't they? Although many gamers appreciate the range of possible inputs that control pads bring, youngsters are often confused by the complexity of controllers. Kinect, with its famed "no buttons" design, should be much easier for kids to get to grips with. That's certainly true, according to UK developer.. Continue Reading »

1 comment Tagged with Kinect, Rare.

Wednesday 20th October, 2010 - 19:00 BST

News: New Sonic Free Riders Trailer Rides the Kinect Wave

New Sonic Free Riders Trailer Rides the Kinect Wave

Emerald coasting in

Sonic Free Riders may not have been top of our list of Sega games to launch with Kinect, but if there's one thing we've learnt from following the Japanese giant it's to put up with what we're given. If you've played a previous entry in the Sonic Riders series you'll know what to expect. Sonic and his chums have decided not to run or drive, but have a few races on so-called.. Continue Reading »

0 comments Tagged with Sega, Sonic, Kinect.

Tuesday 19th October, 2010 - 19:00 BST

News: The BBC Gets to Grips with Kinect

The BBC Gets to Grips with Kinect

And quite like it, too

Microsoft's hoping to get all your family involved with Kinect this Christmas, and the good news is it's already got Auntie involved. The BBC's Focus Magazine has posted some footage of its staff getting up and involved with early builds of several Kinect games, commenting on the advanced technology inside the sensor which certainly outstrips the green screen technology used.. Continue Reading »

0 comments Tagged with BBC, Kinect, Videos.

Monday 18th October, 2010 - 11:30 BST

News: Konami Bringing Two Titles to European Kinect Launch

Konami Bringing Two Titles to European Kinect Launch

DanceEvolution and CROSSBOARD 7 to be precise

Konami has just announced two titles to accompany the European launch of Kinect, and to make things extra-confusing the games will be known by completely different titles to their American counterparts. Groove-a-thon DanceEvolution, otherwise known as Dance Masters or Dance Dance Evolution, and snowboarding escapade CROSSBOARD 7, aka Adrenalin Misfits,.. Continue Reading »

0 comments Tagged with Kinect, Launch, Konami.

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