News Tagged: Kinect

Monday 22nd November, 2010 - 15:40 GMT

News: Microsoft Condones the Use of Open Source Kinect Drivers

Microsoft Condones the Use of Open Source Kinect Drivers

So you can sleep easy

Before Kinect launched, Microsoft claimed it would vigorously protect its sensor from hacking, but all the impressive stuff we've seen so far hasn't technically been hacking: it's all been possible through the coding and distribution of open source drivers for Kinect. Maybe that's why Kinect head honcho Alex Kipman has said in a recent interview that, actually, Microsoft isn't.. Continue Reading »

4 comments Tagged with Kinect, Microsoft, Alex Kipman, Technology.

Monday 22nd November, 2010 - 12:40 GMT

News: Kinect Joy Ride's Shameful Auto-Steering Secret Outed

Kinect Joy Ride's Shameful Auto-Steering Secret Outed

Game doesn't just handle gas and brake

If you've had a go on Kinect Joy Ride you might have found its handling a little fidgety; we certainly did, as our Kinect Joy Ride review explains. One gamer has had a smart idea though: instead of fighting with the steering, why not just let the game play itself? The results are shocking. Whilst we know that the game handles the acceleration and braking parts.. Continue Reading »

13 comments Tagged with Kinect, Videos, WTF.

Saturday 20th November, 2010 - 13:30 GMT

News: Let's Kinect Takes Motion Gaming Out of the Home, Into Arcades

Let's Kinect Takes Motion Gaming Out of the Home, Into Arcades

Kinect goes mobile

You might struggle to have enough room to play Kinect Sports comfortably in your own home, but soon you might not have that issue if a local arcade, shopping mall or other wide open space decides to pick up a Let's Kinect arcade cabinet. Containing an Xbox 360 and Kinect in a custom cabinet, the machine plays standard retail games for as long as the arcade operator wants as it.. Continue Reading »

4 comments Tagged with Arcade, Kinect, Technology.

Saturday 20th November, 2010 - 10:30 GMT

News: Maybe Kinect Could Succeed in Japan After All

Maybe Kinect Could Succeed in Japan After All

If this line is to be believed

It's no secret that, in Japan, the Xbox 360 isn't the most popular console: in fact, it's regularly outsold by the PlayStation 2. You'd think this would have quelled demand for Kinect, but judging from this line awaiting the console's launch, you could be wrong. Granted, it's impossible to judge the sensor's long-term appeal from the number of people willing to queue.. Continue Reading »

4 comments Tagged with Japan, Kinect, Launch.

Friday 19th November, 2010 - 22:30 GMT

News: Kinect Now Manipulating Cityscapes and Kitten Photos

Kinect Now Manipulating Cityscapes and Kitten Photos

So that's humanity sorted, really

We've seen plenty of impressive PC concepts using Kinect in the past few days, particularly the Minority Report-style multi-touch inputs, and an equally advanced navigation system is shown in the video below. This video of Kinect running on Windows 7 shows the user able to zoom and rotate a 3D cityscape, as well as having two users side-by-side working on separate.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Kinect, Technology, Wowza, PC.

Friday 19th November, 2010 - 21:50 GMT

News: Project Draco Aiming for Absorbing and Epic Dragon Battles

Project Draco Aiming for Absorbing and Epic Dragon Battles

Taking fun seriously

Kinect reaches Japan tomorrow, and gaming bible Famitsu has interviewed some of the country's leading luminaries to gauge their opinions on Microsoft's new controller, including Project Draco head Yukio Futatsugi. Futatsugi previously worked on Sega's classic Panzer Dragoon series, and its spiritual successor is due to reach.. Continue Reading »

4 comments Tagged with Grounding Inc., Microsoft, Kinect, Japanese.

Friday 19th November, 2010 - 20:45 GMT

News: Doom Legend John Carmack Has a Kinect Itch to Scratch

Doom Legend John Carmack Has a Kinect Itch to Scratch

Keen on XBLA title for sensor

id Software's John Carmack is a legendary figure in the games industry having worked on some of the most important first person shooters of all time: Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake and more. So when he says he wants to work on Kinect, you'd be expecting him to have an a solution for the sensor's first person shooter, but not necessarily. I have an itch to make a Kinect.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with John Carmack, Kinect, XBLA.

Friday 19th November, 2010 - 13:00 GMT

News: Kinect's Contribution to Shadow Puppetry is Stunning

Kinect's Contribution to Shadow Puppetry is Stunning

Is there nothing it can't do?

Robotic room raiders, 3D video and sports injury prevention are just three amazing, strictly unofficial uses for Kinect since its launch, but not one of them has done anything to advance the art of shadow puppetry. That injustice is corrected here today. Using a projector, Kinect and some programming magic, Emily Gobeille and Theo Watson crea Continue Reading »

1 comment Tagged with Kinect, Technology, Wowza.

Thursday 18th November, 2010 - 21:05 GMT

News: Grab Your Wand for this Harry Potter Kinect Trailer

Grab Your Wand for this Harry Potter Kinect Trailer

There be wizards

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I is the first 360 game to be Kinect-enhanced, but what does the game's motion mode look like in... er... motion? This handy trailer below should fill in the gaps for you. The game will feature 22 Kinect-specific challenges split amongst single and two-player modes, with five different spells cast by various gestures. We covered the Kinect.. Continue Reading »

0 comments Tagged with Warner Bros, Videos, Kinect.

Thursday 18th November, 2010 - 12:30 GMT

News: This Kinect-Toting Robot is Cute as a Button

This Kinect-Toting Robot is Cute as a Button

But could lead to future Terminators

Seeing Kinect do everything from video conferencing to building 3D models of bedrooms is all well and good, but what about strapping the sensor to a robot and sending it out to take 3D readings on the move? That's what the Personal Robots Group at MIT decided would be a good idea, and as you can see from this video below, they were right. Whilst there's plenty.. Continue Reading »

3 comments Tagged with Kinect, Technology, Robots, Wowza.

Thursday 18th November, 2010 - 09:00 GMT

News: Let the Christmas Kinect Rush Commence Now

Let the Christmas Kinect Rush Commence Now

"Order now or be disappointed"

If you're still waiting to take the plunge and pick up Kinect for Christmas, you might want to get a move on – Microsoft has stated this is the last week to grab one before Christmas. Don Mattrick, Microsoft's president of Interactive Entertainment, said as much in an on-stage panel with Activision CEO Bobby Kotick at San Francisco's Web 2.0 Summit. Mattrick.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Kinect, Stock, Sales, Christmas.

Wednesday 17th November, 2010 - 08:30 GMT

News: Xbox 360 Sales Double Thanks to Launch of Kinect

Xbox 360 Sales Double Thanks to Launch of Kinect

Call of Duty probably didn't hurt

We know that Kinect had a successful launch worldwide, but in the UK it made a major impact on hardware sales, doubling the Xbox 360's previous week figures and putting it top of the home console sales leaderboard. Whilst the launch of much-anticipated shooter Call of Duty: Black Ops no doubt contributed to this sales increase, Xbox 360 comfortably outsold.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Kinect, Launch, Sales.

Tuesday 16th November, 2010 - 19:20 GMT

News: Harry Potter Casts Magic Spell on Kinect This Week

Harry Potter Casts Magic Spell on Kinect This Week

Today in the US, Friday for Europe

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I is an unexpected milestone for Kinect: it's the first title to be labelled as "Better with Kinect", rather than the usual "Kinect Sensor Required" tag on the box. Whilst the main game is playable with a regular controller, the Kinect-specific content comes in the form of 22 challenges in which you.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Kinect, EA, New Releases.

Tuesday 16th November, 2010 - 16:10 GMT

News: No, Gears of War 3 is Not Coming to Kinect

No, Gears of War 3 is Not Coming to Kinect

Don't be silly

You know how the Internet rumour mill works by now: Chinese whispers spread like wildfire, words get published and twisted into something a thousand steps removed from its original source. When the mill started up a rumour that Epic Games' upcoming Gears of War 3 would be getting Kinect features, the idea of crushing Locust heads with our bare hands was almost too much to take. Bad.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Epic Games, Kinect, Disappointment.

Tuesday 16th November, 2010 - 14:00 GMT

News: Alan Wake Developer and the Mystery Kinect Project

Alan Wake Developer and the Mystery Kinect Project

Begin the intrigue

Remedy, the developer behind Alan Wake and the Max Payne games, is advertising for a new programmer. "Nothing exciting there," you say, but the advert specifically requests a programmer with motion control experience, including Kinect, to work on the title that will use the next iteration of the Alan Wake engine. Whilst this could mean we may see a Kinect-enabled Alan.. Continue Reading »

1 comment Tagged with Kinect, Remedy, Intriguing.

Tuesday 16th November, 2010 - 11:50 GMT

News: Kinect Breaks the Million Units Barrier in Just 10 Days

Kinect Breaks the Million Units Barrier in Just 10 Days

Quick off the blocks

If Aaron Greenberg was laughing before, he must be ecstatic now, with official sales figures from Microsoft putting Kinect at 1.3 million units sold in just ten days. Microsoft says the sensor is on target to shift over 5 million units before the year is out, with launches in Asia, Australia and New Zealand set for later this week, and is promising plenty of stock deliveries.. Continue Reading »

8 comments Tagged with Kinect, Sales, Launch.

Monday 15th November, 2010 - 18:20 GMT

News: Kinect's Potential Role in the Prevention of Sporting Injuries

Kinect's Potential Role in the Prevention of Sporting Injuries

Could help out on the pitch

Kinect has countless potential applications in the gaming world, but what about beyond digital entertainment – what could the sensor bring to the wider world? With its PC drivers now readily available, companies all over the world can look at Kinect as an affordable and easily available way to bring new technology to their operations. One surprising possibility for.. Continue Reading »

0 comments Tagged with Kinect, Technology, Sports, Features.

Monday 15th November, 2010 - 15:00 GMT

News: Kinect Isn't Used for Targeted Advertising, says Microsoft

Kinect Isn't Used for Targeted Advertising, says Microsoft

Confusion reigns

Last week, the Wall Street Journal interviewed Xbox's chief operating officer Dennis Durkin about the potential for Kinect to deliver personalised advertising into the home, with Durkin reported as saying: We can cater which content we present to you based on who you are. How many people are in the room when an ad is shown? How many people are in the room when a game is being.. Continue Reading »

4 comments Tagged with Xbox Live, Kinect, Marketing.

Monday 15th November, 2010 - 11:50 GMT

News: You Have to See this 3D Video Taken by Kinect

You Have to See this 3D Video Taken by Kinect

Sensory education

If you thought the video of Kinect's multi-touch inputs was impressive, wait until you see this new video of Kinect's camera being used to create 3D images. We know that Kinect includes a 3D depth imaging camera as well as an RGB camera, and enterprising programmer Oliver Kreylos has found a way to feed that information into a PC program to produce amazing 3D video. With this kind.. Continue Reading »

7 comments Tagged with Kinect, Wowza, Technology.

Monday 15th November, 2010 - 10:20 GMT

News: Kinect Sports Scores Top Five Place in UK Charts

Kinect Sports Scores Top Five Place in UK Charts

8 titles in top 40

Whilst there was never any doubt that Call of Duty: Black Ops was going to land in the chart top spot, the launch of Kinect should have made the top 10 a more exciting line-up than usual, but disappointingly only one title for the sensor made the higher reaches of the chart. With sales of Kinect Adventures seemingly not counted, it was left to Rare's Kinect Sports to outsell its.. Continue Reading »

1 comment Tagged with UK, Charts, Kinect, Rare.

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