Kinect Forums

Topic: Have an idea for a future Kinect game? Post it here.

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  • Jun 25, 2011

This is a game I played in a arcade a few years back called "Police 911" made by Konami

It's uses body tracking just like Kinect possibly meaning it could be an easy port?

However the game would need to come with a light gun. (Which would be great with Kinect)

Last edited by Benito-Finito (Jun 25, 2011)

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  • Jun 25, 2011

A toddler/kid game

I'd love to see a very simple kids game. The problem with current kids games on the Kinect is: They are geared to older kids and demand the child mimics certain actions and the child has to stay in view of the Kinect or the game pauses. These requirements are fine for older kids.
I'd love to see a game (most likely a kind of dance game) geared to even smaller children 1-3 yrs old.
I'd love to see a game where it plays music and put up a nice Backdrop that changes with the music. Then the child/children would be imposed on the screen in front of the backdrop. They could dance and see themselves on the screen. If there are 2 or three kids in view, it would be cool if it showed them all, then focused on one of them, then the next and so on. The kids actions would have random effects on the screen depending on the beat of the music. The game would have other characters (say teddy bears or beach balls or puppies or clowns) come on screen and shadow/mimic the childs actions or dance around the child/children.
It would be really awesome if say Disney picked it up then the kids could dance around with many of their favorite Disney characters to favorite Disney songs in scenes from Disney movies.
It could be Sesame Street or Nickelodeon or whoever's clever.
It's such a simple concept I'm really miffed nobody has done it yet.

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  • Jun 26, 2011
chasengel wrote:

A toddler/kid game

I'd love to see a very simple kids game. The problem with current kids games on the Kinect is: They are geared to older kids and demand the child mimics certain actions and the child has to stay in view of the Kinect or the game pauses. These requirements are fine for older kids.
I'd love to see a game (most likely a kind of dance game) geared to even smaller children 1-3 yrs old.
I'd love to see a game where it plays music and put up a nice Backdrop that changes with the music. Then the child/children would be imposed on the screen in front of the backdrop. They could dance and see themselves on the screen. If there are 2 or three kids in view, it would be cool if it showed them all, then focused on one of them, then the next and so on. The kids actions would have random effects on the screen depending on the beat of the music. The game would have other characters (say teddy bears or beach balls or puppies or clowns) come on screen and shadow/mimic the childs actions or dance around the child/children.
It would be really awesome if say Disney picked it up then the kids could dance around with many of their favorite Disney characters to favorite Disney songs in scenes from Disney movies.
It could be Sesame Street or Nickelodeon or whoever's clever.
It's such a simple concept I'm really miffed nobody has done it yet.

My 18 month old Daughter wouldn't really have the attention span to play Kinect or fully understand what to do if she did.

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  • Jun 26, 2011

Your 18 month old daughter wouldn't really be playing the game. It would be more like a fancy mirror to her. Does she like seeing her reflection or seeing pictures of herself? This would be more like an interactive mirror with lights, sounds, and on screen characters/environment that responds to her actions. (clapping, sitting, standing even vocal responses). She would see herself in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Mickey and friends dancing around her, the characters would mimic or respond to her movements. Screenshots would be taken during moments of high activity or the characters posing around her. These screenshots could be sent to your Facebook page to allow grandparents/realtives to check her out. Also, the game would not pause if she crawled/walked away, the song would finish with the characters still dancing.
When that song finished if she was still there all she would need to do is wave/clap/cry/yell and another song would start up. The next song might be with Snow White and the seven dwarves or with Handy Manny and the tools. The game would allow you to play your own CD and random characters and backgrounds would play.
If other kids or parents are there they too would show up on the screen and she would see them with her on the screen. Even if the cat or dog was there, they would be on the screen with her.
It's not really a game that requires any attention span or understanding.

My 3yr old and my 15 month old dance around like crazy to Dance Central. They have no idea what they're doing, but they love the music and the lights, and they point and laugh at all the screen captures with us all in there.

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  • Jun 26, 2011

Welcome to KINECTaku!

I just finished reviewing a PlayStation Move game called Learning with the PooYoos that's specifically created for young children and includes dancing. Inputs are simple - shake the controller to win, basically - but you can trigger fireworks, balloons etc. with button presses, which on Kinect could be done with claps and shouts, for example.

There's also Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster of course, though it's less like a giant mirror and more like being a puppeteer, but it still contains dancing and some simple gameplay your kids might enjoy!

Follow my exciting adventures on .

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  • Jun 28, 2011

with Child of Eden showing some great controls, I say bring back all the light gun games for the modern era.  Especially since light guns only work with CRT and most people now only have LCD, DLP, plasma, etc.

I'd love to see the House of the Dead series, but also games like the Virtua Cop series, Area 51, Crossbow, lethal enforcers, operation wolf, silent scope, space gun, terminator 2, and the time crisis series.

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  • Jun 28, 2011
dirtyvu wrote:

I'd love to see the House of the Dead series, but also games like the Virtua Cop series, Area 51, Crossbow, lethal enforcers, operation wolf, silent scope, space gun, terminator 2, and the time crisis series.

Well it might not be house of the dead, the game "Rise of Nightmares" which SEGA is working on is in the same style. Really looking forward to that. And i would love me some Virtual Cop.

My body is ready. - Reggie Fils-Aime @ E3 2007

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  • Jul 03, 2011

Time Crisis

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  • Jul 12, 2011

I honestly think that Kinect "hands free" should incorporate for the HARDCORE gamers in FPS games a handheld M-16 type of free flow controller.

I saw the demo of Ghost Recon where you open your hand to fire, honestly if I have to hold up my left hand to move a cursor on the screen and use my right hand to fire I would prefer to hold something weapon like in my hand.
Consider maybe a (clear plastic weapon) were the Kinect can see your trigger finger or 4 fingers for a better Kinect recognition of movement.

I like the Kinect mes gafor the fun family times, but for hardcore gamers an add on 1st or 3rd party accessories will be accepted by all. I think.

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  • Jul 12, 2011

Well there's already a clear plastic steering wheel, I can imagine a clear plastic gun on the way too!

Follow my exciting adventures on .

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  • Jul 14, 2011
MrSmith wrote:

I honestly think that Kinect "hands free" should incorporate for the HARDCORE gamers in FPS games a handheld M-16 type of free flow controller.

I saw the demo of Ghost Recon where you open your hand to fire, honestly if I have to hold up my left hand to move a cursor on the screen and use my right hand to fire I would prefer to hold something weapon like in my hand.
Consider maybe a (clear plastic weapon) were the Kinect can see your trigger finger or 4 fingers for a better Kinect recognition of movement.

Maybe the gun could be recognized by Kinect then it would know where your hand was positioned.

It should be a pistol shape to keep the price low as people won't want to pay out big after getting Kinect.

Last edited by Benito-Finito (Jul 14, 2011)

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  • Jul 14, 2011

An Iron Man vs The incredible Hulk game,with a fully destructible environment like the battlefield series in urban and industrial settings.

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  • Aug 25, 2011

For all those people who wanted hole in the wall.

Try the Demo!

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  • Aug 30, 2011

I would like a first person shooting game. I have read other comments about using a xbox controller in conjunction with the kinect. I would happily buy a gun for shooting games. It could be aimed by having a sensor in the front, middle and butt of the gun. Directional controls could be on the stock or barrel of the gun. The kinect part would cover ducking, throwing grenades ect. Please Microsoft, the kinect has been out long enough without offering a first person shooter. If a tester is needed, I'd be happy to help!

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  • Aug 30, 2011
Benito-Finito wrote:
MrSmith wrote:

I honestly think that Kinect "hands free" should incorporate for the HARDCORE gamers in FPS games a handheld M-16 type of free flow controller.

I saw the demo of Ghost Recon where you open your hand to fire, honestly if I have to hold up my left hand to move a cursor on the screen and use my right hand to fire I would prefer to hold something weapon like in my hand.
Consider maybe a (clear plastic weapon) were the Kinect can see your trigger finger or 4 fingers for a better Kinect recognition of movement.

Maybe the gun could be recognized by Kinect then it would know where your hand was positioned.

It should be a pistol shape to keep the price low as people won't want to pay out big after getting Kinect.

Please refer to comment by kccwuk for an alternative gun design.

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  • Aug 31, 2011

Since Kinect was first announced, I've always thought a Professor Layton style puzzle game would work fantastically. You could manipulate the puzzles with your hands and get a real Minority Report-esque feeling.

I'm disappointed to see mainly energetic (i'm not lazy, honest!) mini-games so far. But given Kinect's superb sales I think it's only a matter of time till developers think outside the box.

Feel free to add me :) :

GT: unknowndemon - PSN: unknownseven - Steam: unknownseven - Starcraft 2: unknownseven:306

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  • Sep 07, 2011

What I'd like to see is something aimed towards older people. My parents are getting old and the doctors have advised them to do things like tai-chi and yoga to keep the muscles in shape. I would like to see stand alone titles for these, not combined with other workout titles. I'm sure if you start going to retirement estates and old age homes and promote these titles they'll all get a Kinect.
Personally I would like some sort of karate/kung-fu training title. Give you the feeling of a dojo and train you the moves and katas.

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  • Sep 11, 2011

totally awesome post


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  • Nov 07, 2011

KTB, we were deep in dev when you posted this but Twister Mania is out now and has a Hole in the Wall mode (different from the official HiW). Check it out and let us know what you think. … _mania_360

KTB wrote:

"Hole in the wall" (tv show) great family game.

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  • Nov 17, 2011

karate be,     powerfur weapon

karate do, not for kinect occidentar gaijins

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  • Nov 26, 2011

the last airbender kinect

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  • Jan 12, 2012

I really don't see the attraction in an FPS for Kinect. Blackwater tried it and was just about playable, but if I want to play an FPS, I'll pick up a controller.

Surely, Kinect is about new gaming experiences, and not just rehashes of old ones?

With that said, I'd love to see the first-person Namco soccer game Libero Grande (ARC/PS1) re-imagined for Kinect. That, and maybe a third entry in the supercool Space Channel 5 series? Now that game would be a PERFECT fit!

Ken Barnes,

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  • Apr 12, 2012

Kinect should make a cycling game with a small stationary type bike that sensors with the system. It is a mixture of fun and exercis in one. You can make different scenery with different difficulty level; such as streets, forest, etc. even like a bike the world type of theme. As you ride for example if u go through mud the bike sensors it and makes it harder to pedal, so as you ride the bike goes from easy to hard depending on where your riding.

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  • Jun 16, 2012

maybe they could give 3-d tetris another try.....kinect can't make it any worse than the virtualboy did.  not that it was bad......


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