On the phone
Kitty in your pocket
Unlike Nintendo and Sony consoles, sadly you've never been able to take your Xbox games on the go with you, something even Dreamcast offered over 10 years ago. Now with Windows Phone 7 devices and Xbox 360 you're able to access select content wherever you are, something we recently got chance to try out with Kinectimals and Windows Phone 7 at a recent Xbox UK preview event.
We were shown the new HTC Titan phone running Kinectimals, with a familiar line-up of content: raise a cat and teach it tricks, with support for augmented reality features using the phone's camera too. It was certainly pretty, and the touch controls worked well, but playing on the road is only half the story.
From the mobile game's menu you can generate a QR code for your pet and all its information: its name, colouration and the tricks it knows. On the Xbox 360, select the Scan Stone and hold your phone's QR code close to Kinect: the sensor scans it and transports your pet onto the TV. It's quick and impressive, and transferring the opposite way works just as well. It also appears you can generate a 12-digit code for your pet, though we weren't able to see this working.
While Nintendo and Sony can offer similar experiences with their own portable consoles, neither can do so with mobile phones, and this could prove to be an ace up Microsoft's sleeve: with Windows Phone growing its market share, the possibility for cross-platform connectivity is obvious.
Of course, this is only the outer edge of possibilities when it comes to Kinect and Windows Phone 7, but there were no other examples of the two working together on show. It's another intriguing display of the sensor's growing importance to Microsoft, and we'd be extremely surprised not to see more collaborations between Windows Phone and Kinect in the future.
User Comments
1. Magi
10 Oct 2011, 13:55 BST
I would love to see Microsoft doing more things with WP7 and 360 interoperability. This is a step in the right direction.
2. James
10 Oct 2011, 18:13 BST
What's most interesting about this is who it appeals to: who plays Kinectimals and has a Windows Phone? The two appeal to totally different markets. I agree that this is a good start but I'd hope to see more in future.
3. pwllem
12 Oct 2011, 15:55 BST
James I disagree that it's for two totally different markets. I'd love to say that I'm alone as the only adult player of this game that is a WP7 user but Iknow I'm not. I cant wait for this! My kids will love it too. Anybody know if they have announced a date?
4. GeekAndProud
12 Oct 2011, 16:57 BST
I've been waiting for a game that bridges the gap between xbox and phone. I myself am not an 360 owner and dont really spend much time gaming on my phone but Kinectimals should change this.
No news on a release date though
5. pwllem
13 Oct 2011, 00:27 BST
It looks like the qr codes are activated in game but no app yet.
6. James
13 Oct 2011, 14:05 BST
Fair point, perhaps I've underestimated the crossover appeal, but I still believe that people who go for Windows Phone devices — while likely to love Kinect too — might not go for Kinectimals. Put it in Halo or Forza and we're in business, but I guess you never know
7. pwllem
13 Oct 2011, 17:33 BST
You put it in Halo and my phone just took over as my main gaming platform!
8. pwllem
22 Oct 2011, 15:39 BST
It wouldn't surprise me if the launch of this title on the phone coincided with the KInect anniversary thing that starts tomorrow.
9. GeekAndProud
25 Oct 2011, 19:52 BST
STILL no release date or word from either parties concerning this. It's starting to get annoying...
10. pwllem
26 Oct 2011, 13:18 BST
I just got it from the Marketplace! I'll get to take my Sabertooth to work with me today!
11. GeekAndProud
26 Oct 2011, 17:22 BST
Strange, when I searched for it from my phone it wasn't there. But when I used the web marketplace it was.
12. pwllem
26 Oct 2011, 19:28 BST
Yeah...I got it at about 6am central time in the states and now its gone!
13. pwllem
26 Oct 2011, 19:32 BST
It was on nthe web...now its gone
EDIT: 34 Min later its back on the web.
14. pwllem
26 Oct 2011, 21:25 BST
When gaming worlds collide...it could be cute!
Edit: 10/27/11 I realized this morning that MS took the app down again. I read an article that said it was coming out next week! That makes sense as the release was in early Nov. last year. I lucked out with at least 25 others (according to review numbers the last I saw) and got it yesterday. I finally got my Sabertooth "Victor" off my xbox and on my phone. The key was to have him active in the game then go to the scan stone. "T'Challa" the black panther got lots of "Awwwwws" at work yesterday. Even from some of the guys who are into Batman: Arckham City right now. No one is completely immune to the power of cute!