Putting the moves on
Another big score for Microsoft?
Last night we brought you our First Impressions of Ghost Recon: Future Soldier from Microsoft's Christmas showcase, and next on our travels was the sequel to Rare's Kinect Sports, without doubt one of Kinect's best launch games.
We were quickly told that the motion tracking had been vastly improved from the first game, and that voice commands had been added. These commands could for instance, enable you to call for team plays in American football rather than having to select them via a menu screen. That's no use to me or anyone else in the UK though — no one over here understands what the Hell is going on in that game...

A golf club: NOT a lightsaber.
We were then thrown straight into a game of golf. My avatar was activated by a simple wave of my hand and then all of a sudden I had complete control of the little guy's arms. To the dismay of the demo team I tested this by swinging my golf club around my head while making lightsaber noises until I was politely asked to raise my hand to my head in a salute/peering motion. This instantly took the camera off my avatar and sent it gliding down the fairway, across the various bunkers and water hazards until it reached the hole. It was a lovely little touch and was very useful for working out exactly what awaits on the course.
To initiate a shot, I was instructed to stand side on to Kinect, which recognised the change of my position and set the Avatar into golfing mode. Small steps forward or backward swivelled the character on the spot so I could aim my shot before the quick swing of an imaginary golf club sent my ball cruising through the air to land snugly on the putting green.
Although there seemed to be a little lag between my swing and the Avatar's swing, we put this down to a developer choice — you take your eye off the action to swing, so the game gives you time to look back at the screen and observe your shot. In general however, Kinect Sports: Season Two is looking to be an incredibly responsive game, and one of the best examples of Kinect motion control so far.
Sadly golf was the only sport shown on the day, but if the other activities follow suit there's no doubt the game will definitely be one of the best Kinect titles this Christmas.
Come back on Monday for our take on arguably Kinect's most anticipated games, Kinect Star Wars. You won't want to miss it.
Thanks to Ian Higton of Platform32.
User Comments
1. soaduk
09 Jul 2011, 10:13 BST
That's one way of excusing the lag I guess but I hope they get rid if they really did it on purpose ...looking forward to this one.
2. davahsa
09 Jul 2011, 13:20 BST
Awesome. Enjoyed both of these previews (w/gunsmith) - can't wait!
3. JohnderChecker
10 Jul 2011, 11:35 BST
It looks are great
4. userwords
11 Jul 2011, 16:27 BST
I though next kinect would be an improved version of the previous with more sport. So best game like soccer would get improvments.
I dislike they just abandon previous sports and put time on others that are totally different. But what i really dislike and they are gonna pay for that big error in sales. Is that
kinect sports season 2 is totally us oriented.
those sports are of no interest out of us on most countries. what they call football ( for us what they call soccer is in fact football and is the correct meaning in respect with southamerica origins of this sport) or baseball or darts are not interesting for most countries. Golf will probably the most successfull one and even that one will be dislike by ppl who want to sweat making some real fit gaming.
In few words, kinect sports season 2 is us oriented, and most of the sports are not even considered sports by ppl because they dont require real phisical effort. No sweat no fun.
5. James
11 Jul 2011, 16:51 BST
Is darts that big in the US? I think tennis is a pretty multi-national sport, as is golf, though I take your point on the others. Hopefully Rare and Big Park can come up with some interesting minigames to get your sweat going!
6. wiggadun
13 Jul 2011, 14:12 BST
Darts???? Didnt know that was a sport... i wud have preferred basketball.