How not to play Kinect Adventures
Get arty
At first this video seems like an impressive artistic tool for Kinect, as the demonstrator uses his hand to draw lines and circles with absolute ease, but the tool itself is actually Da Vinci, a physics simulator for Microsoft's Surface computer. What follows is a fantastic blend of technology and software, with Kinect able to distinguish between a fist and an open hand to activate many of these tool's functions.
Steve Dawson of Razorfish, the company responsible for this artistic endeavour, had this to say:
Gesture-based interaction is great when touch isn’t practical. For instance, on a large screen projected display as shown in the video above it is difficult or physically impossible to control the entire area using touch. Using a technology like Kinect, we can create a virtual canvas in mid-air in front of the user.
Impressive stuff indeed. Let's hope in future we can see a Kinect-enabled art tool boasting similar features making its way to Xbox 360.
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User Comments
1. jake18oly
04 Dec 2010, 18:21 GMT
That is pretty amazing! Was that actually done using the kinect?
2. TheDoctor213
04 Dec 2010, 20:55 GMT
Very cool, I'm excited to see this sort of artistic ability integrated into a game.
3. Zach
04 Dec 2010, 21:01 GMT
I've said it since the beginning, Kinect should be used to make Minority Report a reality (minus all the crime stuff).
4. ArtificialIdiot
05 Dec 2010, 00:54 GMT
I may be imagining things, but when Kinect was still Natal I'm sure I watched a demo of a Paint style program where somebody was literally throwing colours onto the screen, and also making a rough shape of an elephant with their body and then having an elephant print on screen. Ah, here it is...
Of course, the demo of the Da Vinci program above kinda blows that out of the water. But I was wondering why we didn't see these kind of things on launch. I was super impressed with the tech demo, and seeing the video above I think this is going to make for some really impressive puzzles within games, as well as some interesting games based around the mechanics on show.
5. James
05 Dec 2010, 10:35 GMT
It's done using Kinect and a PC, aye