News Article

Another Cool Kinect Hack Shows Object Tracking and More

Posted Tue, 23 Nov 2010 by James Newton

Like this, sort of

Like this, sort of

Like a Surface, sort of

Kinect's multitouch inputs have already been shown off in previous videos, but it's got wider applications than grabbing and dropping: it can be used to turn surfaces into all kinds of interactive spaces.

The video below shows off its potential when coupled with a video projector, offering glimpses of its potential in public speaking, teaching, installation art, galleries and about a thousand other applications. It might not have the same "wow" factor as previous videos but it certainly gets you thinking.

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Tags: Kinect, Technology, PC.

User Comments


1. Token_Girl United States 23 Nov 2010, 17:40 GMT

Very cool. It seems like Kinect's potential outside of gaming far outstrips it's potential in gaming at this point.


2. lukeylukey Sweden 23 Nov 2010, 17:46 GMT

Disco Disco!
Now implement some of this stuff into games.
Hope XBLA can build some soon.


3. Ravage Canada 23 Nov 2010, 23:11 GMT

Woot! Transformation matrices!

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