Kinect Forums

Topic: My husband is addicted to WoW.. what do I do?

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  • May 26, 2011

My husband has been playing world of warcraft for a little over a year now every single day. He also has two jobs that take up most of his time. I am now nine months pregnant with our third child and in addition our youngest is two years old. I have tried to get him to limit his game playing, wait till the kids are sleeping or just plain stop.. NO matter what I do nothing seems to help. I need help around the house and just to get him to take out the trash seems like an impossible mission.. It takes at least three days for him to do things I ask him.. He leaves his trash around the house (i.e. empty bottles of drink in front of the computer, empty bags of chips, and to top it. never washes his dishes) When our car needs something done to it, I take it to have it fixed.. When the garage needs cleaning I do it.. When there is heavy loads of laundry that need to be taken to wash I take them with my two kids tagging along.. If the grass is long I go outside and pull them! He works everyday and I understand he needs his R. and R.. but there are things that are physically impossible for me to do on my own. I've tried to do them. I end up killing myself.. He takes our only car to work and never , ever cleans it. Since I am so far along in my pregnancy I get tired all the time.. When I can I will try to take a nap if I ask him first.. He says sure, but of course he's playing his game.. When I wake, the kids have not been fed, showered and the house is a mess from my son doing whatever he wants to do while daddy is playing WoW. I'm sad, frustrated and depressed that my 31 year old husband dosn't realize that we don't get to spend much time together.. When he comes home he plays till 4 or 5 in the morning.. then wakes up at 9 am and goes to work.. and some days works both jobs.. I've asked him why he needs to play so much and if he's missing something at home.. He tells me it's just something he enjoys doing, it's his hobby.. It just saddens me that he'd rather play till the sun comes up, wake up a little early on some days before work to play instead of cut the long grass, or take out the smelly maggot infested trash.. Or at least get his clothes ready for work..

I am depressed, sad and at times have a low self esteem because I feel he no longer finds me attractive.. He is a good man but his habit is ruining our family.. Sometimes I think that when I give birth maybe I'll cheat and find a man who wants to act like a man and realize what he's got at home.. Even when he's here I feel lonely.. What good would cheating do. I'm tired of feeling depressed and trying to work some way around this so we can both be happy.. IT'S NOT WORKING!

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  • May 26, 2011

The say...

If you can't beat me join them.

Hope that helps.

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  • May 26, 2011

I've deleted the spam links from your signature but want to keep this post up as it reminds me that somebody must have actually sat down and written this to get spammed on many forums. Kudos, dudes.

I found a Warp Zone to Nintendo of Europe.

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  • May 26, 2011

get a feeding tube and some adult diapers


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  • Jun 06, 2011

First, obviously, being 9 months preggers, he did at least have time for SOME extracurricular activity at one point, lol

I would buy him an XBox 360, at least THAT you can get in between him and the TV, and buy some games the family can play, so you can get the kids involved also. If he wants to be a hard core gamer, then XBox with Kinect is how to do it... get some exercise while playing. Save the computer for email and bill pay.

Go to youtube and look up "South Park World Of Warcraft". THAT is what you are in store for if you if you don't do an intervention soon. And watch "The Guild" on XBox. That will be your husband and his friends. You have my sympathies. Good luck.

There should be a support group for the family and friends of WOW Zombies. I don't understand what is so addictive about that game. It is the crack cocaine of the game world.

When the game ceases to be fun, I will take my controller and move on to another game!

Author Message


  • Jun 10, 2011


or cancel his account.


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