News Tagged: Websites

Thursday 29th March, 2012 - 12:15 BST

News: Official Crimson Dragon Site Takes Flight with New Trailer

Official Crimson Dragon Site Takes Flight with New Trailer

Yep, still looks awesome

Crimson Dragon is homing in on its Xbox Live Arcade release, as Microsoft Japan has launched an official site for what some — particularly this editor — would call the most exciting Kinect game yet. Crimson Dragon at Xbox Japan has fresh screenshots of the sensor-powered spiritual successor to Panzer Dragoon, with a new.. Continue Reading »

0 comments Tagged with Japan, Websites, Grounding Inc., Awesome.

Tuesday 1st February, 2011 - 17:15 GMT

News: Xbox Owns Web Addresses for Kinect Halo, Movies, Soccer and More

Xbox Owns Web Addresses for Kinect Halo, Movies, Soccer and More

We go domain digging

The revelation that Microsoft owns domains for KinectLips, The Sims and SSX got us thinking – what other domains might the giant have registered that could indicate future projects? Our early searches unearthed some intriguing web addresses, the most interesting of which is While is most likely Microsoft defending its intellectual properties by registering.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Kinect, Rumours, Microsoft, Websites.

Sunday 24th October, 2010 - 16:40 BST

News: Gets New Look for Kinect Gets New Look for Kinect

Online avatar editor and more

Kinect isn't just going to change the way you play your games, it's going to alter the way you interact with the Xbox 360 Dashboard too. With the Dashboard update due to roll out in a few weeks, Microsoft has already made a big change to its online Xbox Live portal, giving it a new lick of paint just ahead of Kinect's launch. One of the biggest new features is the new.. Continue Reading »

2 comments Tagged with Kinect, Xbox Live, Websites, Videos.